Connecticut has another visitor to worry about. The Spotted Lanternfly, a species that is causing nightmares in parts of Pennsylvania, has been found in Connecticut. According to the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station a single living adult Spotted Lanternfly has been found in Southbury, Connecticut. The invasive sap-feeding bugs, called Lycorma delicatula are native to China, India and Vietnam, but were discovered in Berks County, Philadelphia in 2014. The Spotted Laternfly life cycle follows this cycle:

The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station warns that the Spotted Lanternfly has the potential to severely impact Connecticut’s farm crops, particularly apples, grapes, hops and a number of tree species, including maple. Everyone should be on alert for these dastardly insects as early detection is key to controling their spread. Anyone in Connecticut finding a suspected Spotted Lanternfly should report potential sightings to and if possible submit a photo with the report.
After you take a picture and report the sighting, Kill IT! These destructive insects are pretty distinctive looking so keep an eye out for them in any of the following forms: